This is Aubrey and me waiting in line to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D. It was so awesome! I might just buy it when it comes out on DVD. It was a lot of fun and Aubrey and I were really giggly.
This video is from Enrichment night. We had a big Relief Society Birthday Party. We were planning for 30 people, we had about 20 people, but they consisted of 8 girls, 8 boys (who were our servers), the bishopric, Bishop's Wife, and our rep. It was pretty funny. We had balloons as decorations. After we were done and getting ready to clean up the guys took most of the balloons out into the hallway, and I followed them and took one of the balloons and sucked the helium out of it. I started talking and it made me laugh, which got all of the guys laughing. Anyway I started a trend. I had Kaylie record me on camera because I thought it was hilarious. I hope you all have a good laugh!
This was at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. Erin went with me to pick up Libby and we went down a few hours before to go shopping. I bought the cutest dress, and of course I wore it today. It is so cute and flattering!
And on a final note, I just got New Moon on DVD. Yes I know what I said in my last post. I will always love the Twilight movies and books, I just don't think that people should get into the mindset that Edward is going to be the man they marry. Hello he does not exist! He's a vampire, and a fictional character. That's it. Enjoy!
Thanks for coming and picking me up - basically a free trip for you to come to vegas - used my car, I paid for gas, etc. etc. Glad you took Aubrey to see Alice, you think you'll be up to seeing it again cause I really want to see it???
Looks like you're still having lots of fun! Gotta' love helium balloons.
Looks like lots of fun. I don't remember the last time I went to Vegas.
I really liked alice in wonderland I think Johnny Depp is such a good actor..
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