I can't believe it! I am moving in one week and I am beginning to freak out a bit. I know that most of my worries are pretty stupid but it is who I am. So in one week I will finally be moving to Cedar and living on my own, and I'm nervous! If anyone has any kind of advice for me please feel free to give me some. I can use all of the advice I can get.
Enjoy the journey. :) We'll miss that you're not up here, but happy for you all the same! love, sally
Its taken me moving across seas to learn this (and since me and you are VERY similar.. here's my advice) - Just live it UP! Don't pass any opportunity to be with friends or try new things because you either have to go do it by yourself or you are afraid of what people will think. Just have fun regardless of the people around and that will attract those good friends that will make your experience SOOO much fun!! And always ALWAYS go to institute! And always remember your father in Heaven. And if you ever need to talk about stuff, I'm here for you!!! Love you! Have so much fun moving! I am so excited for you!!!
Good luck! It's scary the first time, but your not to far away from home and Cash & Libby are right there also! If you need a break, take one and come home. Don't stress over the little things. Look for the positive in your room mates & make them your friends. Hang out with them. What an adventure!!!!
Only wash your own dishes, or else they will start to think you are their maid. Also, if you share food once, they will think they can mooch off of you forever. that is my advice...
I still go through "culture shock" every time we move to a new apartment/house. That's even staying in the same city. So, just be patient with yourself and recognize that it's normal to get freaked out by new circumstances, but after a few months it will definitely feel like home.
I am not sure what to tell you except have alot of fun. I never got to go to college but I hear it is pretty cool to live on your own.
Jessie, you are already on path way ahead of me. You know what you want to get your degree in and your moving in that direction. The advice I can give you is the advice my Mission President gave me the night before I came home from my mission. Get an education! You're doing that. Go to a Singles Ward and be involved, and GO TO INSTITUTE. Someone else already gave you that advice, but it's good advice. As with your roommates...don't show them your temper...I hate to give you this opportunity, but save your temper for me!
Enjoy the time because before you know it you'll be graduating and moving on to the next chapter in your life.
You are going to the place ...
It will be the best time...
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