Our first day we didn't do too much. We played with the kids, took a nap, yes I did actually take a nap, shocking I know. Then we went to the singles ward FHE (Family Home Evening). It was quite interesting. We got dressed up and walked down the street to FHE. FHE was quite interesting. It was supposed to start at 7:30 but didn't start until 7:45 and was over by 7:55. What the heck? Really? I was really surprised at how many guys there were compared to the girls and yet we only talked to one person a girl named Jessica actually. We did actually meet the Bishop's wife so Kymn was able to find out what time church was. The picture above is how me and Kymn looked for FHE, so we looked very attractive.
On Tuesday we went to Ikea and walked around the store for a few hours. After Ikea Kymn and I went to a dollar theater and watched Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. After the movie we stopped at the Cheesecake Factory and got some delicious cheesecake. That night Kymn and I watched Sherlock Holmes on my laptop. The picture above is me and Kymn's nephews. I like that the only men I can get to like me are miniature people usually under the age of ten. That's okay I thought these two were really cute, plus they kept telling me that I was nice. :D
Mesa, Arizona Temple
Today we went to the Mesa, Arizona temple, which as some of my family will know was where my Grandpa and Grandma Eastman were sealed. It was really cool to be able to visit this temple. I also have a funny story.
While we were at the temple we went into the temple visitor center. There was a guy sitting in a corner reading his scriptures. No wedding ring and he was very attractive. Anyway Kymn wanted to go talk to him but was too chicken so instead she came up with a great idea. She offered one of her nephews a fruit snack if he would take a card with Kymn's name and phone number to this guy. So she gave him the card and told him where to go and what to do and we sat and watched as her nephew walked as slow as he could down the long hallway and as soon as he handed the card to the man in the corner he turned around and booked it toward us. We'll see if anything happens with it. I hope he calls her because that would be an awesome story to tell their kids. Anyway, that is my fun and relaxing trip in Phoenix.
I'm so jealous!!! You've been to a city I have never been to. Wow - way to work it in the traveling. Looks like you had a lot of fun, and that temple looks beautiful. By the way did you know that was were mom was sealed to Grandma and Grandpa??? Nifty fact!
I concur.
Sounds like a fun trip! Because I grew up in Tucson, I went up to Phoenix a lot, but it was always either to the temple or to the airport. I pretty much have never seen Phoenix other than those two places.
Yeah, you are seriously following in your sister's footsteps and are a TRAVELING MANIAC! I'm so excited to see you guys in a few days!!!
It looks like fun... surely there are more fun things to do than just go to IKEA!
I didn't know that was where Bert and Roberta were sealed... that's cool!
i LOVE that you travel. one of these times, can i come with you? :) we should plan a road trip...
also, i'm glad you took a nap. i'm sure you needed it, and i KNOW how the sleep deprivation factor gets with school :P
love ya!
i'm always glad you're doing such amazing things!
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