Saturday, September 5, 2009

This has been one crazy week!

So a lot has happened this week.
First, let me just say that I've started school and I am loving SUU. I love living on my own, except for the fact that I have no money. I have really cool roommates, we're still a little standoffish, but not as much. I'm sure we'll get to know each other really well. I really love the SUU campus. I was walking around the east end (near where the Shakespearean festival does their green show) and it is so beautiful. I feel like I'm walking through the woods there are so many trees and it is so green and peaceful.
Second, I did finally get some semblance of a job. I am now working on campus in the English Department. I only work 5 hours a week, but it is a start. Pretty much I just lock up all of the classrooms and faculty offices, make copies, and do whatever the secretary asks me to do. I am working at Tuacahn on Saturdays still at least until the end of October or until I find something else in Cedar City. If anyone has any odd jobs that need to be done, and are willing to pay give me a call. I'm almost willing to do anything at this point.
Thirdly, I've become very active in my new college ward. I've gone to the firesides, ward prayer, family home evening, and I'm getting to know people in my ward. I'm trying to be more outgoing and talk to people...and guys, and am getting to know some really great people.
Funny at FHE (family home evening) on Monday I tried to get to know a lot of people in my ward. I met and talked to the Relief Society President (who was just called on Sunday) and the next day (Tuesday) I got a call from the bishopric asking if I would come in and talk to them. (They had to call my roommate because they didn't know my last name or my phone number, but they knew that I was Jessica from Apt 11, so my roommate comes to me and says the bishopric wants to talk to you). So I quickly change and drive to the church and go in to talk to the bishopric. Now as soon as I got off the phone with them I knew that I was going to be getting a calling. Well as I got to the church I went to the clerk's office and I saw the relief society president in there talking to the bishopric. When I saw her I was thinking, "hmmm, this can't be good." So the 2nd counsilor of the bishopric took me aside and started asking me how school was going and where I was from and all that fun stuff, when he says: "We were wondering if you would be willing to be the second counsilor in relief society?" My first response was a mix between a laugh and a pfft. I wanted to laugh, in fact I did laugh as I walked to my car. Of course I agreed. The really funny fact of the matter is that my friend Kim, (who I hang out with a lot) was also called to be the second counsilor in relief society in her college ward only a week earlier. So I called her as soon as I was in my car and we laughed about it for a good ten minutes. Needless to say I am now in the relief society presidency in my ward, and I'll admit that I'm a bit nervous. So if anyone has any advice for me feel free to share it with me. Also, I guess that I am over Enrichment Night so if anyone has any good ideas for activities feel free to share!


Doty Family said...

Good for you Jessie! Things will adjust with your roomates, they always do and you'll be great friends! Relief Society!! You'll get to know everyone that way!! Make sure you have a creative Enrichment Leader under you and you'll have so much fun!

kimmeeg said...

Ha-just remember who got called first...We were pre-ordained for this job, to have at the exact same time...weird.

Logan and Sydney said...

Run in to Storyteller's (it's right behind the post office) and see if they need collators. Their HR lady knows summer and klint and I used to work there. It's a good job to fill in when you don't have a job.

Lib-Dawg said...

I agree with Brandy, give it time and you'll be forever friends with your roomies. And be patient about the jobs - at least you got ONE, and who knows it may become bigger in time. As for the R.S. 2nd counselor - let me know, I have a few ideas from being in R.S. and just look at all the growing your doing!

Anisa said...

How fun to be enrichment counselor! I've had that calling. It will be great. SUU is awesome... oh so many years ago! I agree, I think you should try story tellers.

Anonymous said...

How fun to be in the RS Presidency! You'll do great. I've mostly been in Primary and not RS, so I don't have too much advice. Just work closely with the others in the presidency to try to have unity. And have fun! Oh, and find out who is 2nd counselor in the Elders' Quorum Presidency, and that's probably your future EC. Hehehe. Or your home teacher.

SUU campus really is pretty. We were only there once, but I really liked it. Have fun!!!