Friday, July 11, 2008

...And Our Trip Begins...

Hello from Alaska!!! My parents, Flint, and myself are having a blast here in Alaska. So far all that we have done is drive around Anchorage with Sabrina Wilson and we went to a few stores. I bought me a coyote tail from Alaska Fur and Trade. Then we went to a chocolate factory that had a chocolate waterfall called Alaska Wild Berry Chocolate Factory, and got me some yummy chocolate, but not as good as the chocolate that I make. Here are some pictures from our adventures today.


Lib-Dawg said...

So when do I get to hang out with you all??? Maybe when I quit picking up shifts to bartend??? GOt to make my money - see you on the train! You better post those pictures so you can prove that you actually saw me in Alaska???

Doty Family said...

So jealous!!! It looks like your having a good time. The boys loved the post cards that your mom sent. Love you guys and be safe!