Bridge to Terabithia is the first book that I have read this year. It is a great book, and a tear-jerker. After I finished the book I rented the movie. I will admit that the book was better but the books are always better than the movies. However, the movie was so good. I bawled. I began the movie not expecting it to be just like the book, because if you expect the movie to be exactly like the book you are setting yourself up for disappointment (a piece of advice for when you go to see the movie Twilight, don't expect it to be exactly the way you imagined it). Anyway, I recommend everyone read the book
Bridge to Terabithia then watch the movie. They are both really good, and they're clean. A great family movie!!!
I've read the book...I do have the movie coming on my new found love: Netflix. SO i'll let you know what i think. I'm sure I'll cry. I cried when I read the book!!!
I'm not going to let you guys suck me into reading another crazy book!!
I will rent it on your word, It had better be good.
It's a great movie, trust me on this!
I loved the book when I was a kid, so I was really excited for the movie. But I'd forgotten so much about the book. Anyway, since when is it okay for a kid to go on a DATE with his teacher?! That is so illegal and unethical....
I just finished reading The Odyssey for a class I'm taking and I highly recommend it. It's a little gory but a really good story that is a lot easier to follow than I expected. You should try it. -Sydney
Never read the book but have seen or listened to the movie a million times. kenna loves it
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